Focus Burn-out Treatment
Do you constantly feel that you are playing catch-up? Not only at work, but also in your private life? Are normal daily activities too much for you, but are you unable to accurately explain why? Do you experience concentration problems, a rushed feeling, depression and / or anxiety and panic complaints? Then there is a good chance that you have a burn-out. So what now?!
Focus Burn-out Treatment provides both the employer and the employee with clarity immediately after the intake by determining what the problem is through thorough diagnostic, which form of treatment is most appropriate and how long this will take.
Burn-out facts
Burn-out is occupational disease no. 1 according to the TNO
1.3 million people with burn-out complaints annually
Absenteeism lasts an average of 242 days
This costs the employer an average of € 250 per day
That is more than € 60,000 per sick employee
Burn-out cost Dutch industry more than 3.5 billion euros last year
Burn-out is more than twice as common with women than with men
Focus Burn-out Treatment always works together with employee, employer and the company doctor on the solution: Burn-out Treatment 2.0!